COVID-19 aid in Brazil
Mar 14, 2022
Ouro Branco I, II and Quatro Ventos (94,5MW in total) are three wind projects that European Energy is currently building in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco. IFU, the Danish Investment Fund for Developing Countries, has entered the projects as a
lender. The Commercial Operation Date (COD) is expected for Q4 2022.
The regions where the projects will be located, in the municipalities of Poção, Pesqueira and Macaparana, are characterized by high levels of poverty which was accentuated during the COVID-19 pandemic. To address the population’s increased vulnerability, a COVID-19 emergency fund was established, whereby European Energy covers 40% of the costs and the remaining 60% is covered by IFU’s Sustainability Facility. The total budget of the fund is DKK 890.000.
Based on a need assessment made with the local municipalities’ authorities, the following items were delivered, throughout the last five months of 2021:
- 26.400 reusable face masks
- 4.500 liters of hand sanitizer
- 18.000 pieces of soap
- 4.500 basic food supply baskets
- WHO health promotion pamphlets