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Press release

European Energy opens Pomerania Wind Portfolio

Oct 17, 2022

European Energy officially opened its Pomerania Wind Portfolio in north-western part of Poland on the 13th of October.

The total wind park has a 44.7 MW total capacity and represents a EUR 73.15 million total investment. European Energy, a Danish company, is a global player of renewable energy market, developing, constructing, operating, and managing assets of both wind and solar projects, making leading steps towards the green fuels and green heating production. 

– Poland is a very interesting country for European Energy. It has the potential to become a major hub for renewable energy in Europe. We want to be a part of that journey in Poland, said Jens-Peter Zink, deputy CEO of European Energy, who attended the opening ceremony of the wind farm portfolio.

– We hope to also contribute to the development of new Power-to-X technology in Poland, creating e-fuels from using electricity. In this area European Energy is one of the leading companies in the world to produce green hydrogen and e-methanol.

– We would like to have it a priority to build up renewable energy capacity, while at the same time being open for the windfall taxation. However, we would expect the relevant regulatory framework and reliable legislation from the Polish policy makers giving the right signals for investors for the long term and serious cooperation. For us this is more than just a business and for sure not just about electricity, but energy security and independence as well as a healthy and peaceful environment. European Energy would be more than happy to provide our support to the Polish government for the development of the regulatory framework, said Olga Sypula, country manager of European Energy in Poland.

– We have Wind Portfolio of Pomerania covering five communities that will generate clean energy for 70 thousand households in the region, contributing the development through taxes to the state and local budgets during next 30 years of operation.” – said Johannes Thon, Head of Project in Central and Eastern Europe for European Energy.

Excellent cooperation

European Energy has erected some of the wind turbines near the town of Siemyśl in Poland.

The contribution of European Energy to the community’s budget will be meaningful for Siemysl. It is important for us to keep good relations with investors as they bring funds and new perspectives for our regional development, support of social important projects for infrastructure, schools, and children for better education, said Mr. Marek Dołkowski, Siemyśl Commune Mayor.

The general contractor at the sites was ONDE S.A.

– European Energy is an investor we have been proud and happy to cooperate with for years in Poland, and recently we have started our first joint foreign investment. As a result, as many as 40 turbines of the total power capacity of over 140 MW will be constructed across all our projects for European Energy, and I believe this is just the prelude, said Piotr Gutowski, Vice President of ONDE SA.


Ming Ou Lü

PR Manager


+45 3126 9376