Press release
European Energy acquires ten Enercon wind turbines for a 41MW onshore project in Germany
Oct 18, 2022
European Energy has found a solution to repower 10 older wind turbines in Saxony-Anhalt in Germany. In September European Energy finalized a turbine supply and maintenance agreement for ten new wind turbines with the manufacturer ENERCON.
Under the agreement, seven turbines of type E-138 EP3 E2, two turbines of type E-115 EP3 E3 and one turbine of type E-103 EP2 will be erected in Burgenlandkreis.
Commissioning of the 41MW wind farm is planned for 2023.
– This is a complex repowering project, including the dismantling of 16 wind turbines. After a lengthy and elaborate planning process, we can finally move forward and enter construction phase. Similar to previous wind projects in the region, ENERCON has proven to be a reliable partner. We are looking forward to intensify our close and trusting collaboration for future projects to advance the urgently needed expansion of renewable energies, comments Johannes Thon, Managing Director European Energy Deutschland.
The previous energy capacity of the wind park was 20.6 MW and has been in operation since 1999. All the assets were owned by European Energy.
– We are pleased that once again, European Energy has placed its trust in us and selected us as a turbine supplier, states Jens Albat, Sales Manager ENERCON Germany.
– We would like to further expand the good business relations between our companies. It is a key concern for us to contribute to the necessary energy transition through repowering as well as through the development of new wind farms in Saxony-Anhalt.